


Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage,and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fit into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room?In 2040 it will not 5 . They will turn themselves off—and on again when you return. A sensor will 5 the presence of a human and turn the systems on , and when the humans 58 it will turn them off again.

The sensors will work 59 the central home computer ,and they will do much more than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you . They will detect 0 electrical appliances ,plugs or switches ,1 them so that they cannot harm anyone and then 2 you that they need 3 . They will detect fire and if you are out of the house ,the computer will call the fire brigade . It will also call the police 4 the sensors detect an intruder (闯入者). This will not be too difficult 5 the locks on the doors will be electronic . You will open them using your card —the one you use for 8 —maybe using a number 9 only to you .

The computer will be 0 than a fireman-policeman servant . It will be an entertainer ,and most of your 1 will come 2 into your home. It does now,3 by 2040“entertainment” will 4 much more . For one thing,you will be able to take 5 actively,rather than just watching.

1. A. matter B. function C. work D. mind

2. A. evaluate B. uncover C. detect D. expose

3. A. retire B. leave C. withdraw D. retreat

4. A. during B. in C.through D. between

5. A. displeasing B. unpleasant C. faulty D. mistaken

6. A. depart B. isolate C. divide D. break

7. A. warn B. tell C. persuade D. assure

8. A. mending B. reference C. separation D. repair

9. A. will B. should C. shall D. can

10. A. unless B. if C. when D. because

11. A. inside B. outside C. outstanding D. obvious

12. A. personal B. personnel C. particular D. general

13. A. hiring B. buying C. renewing D.shopping

14. A. realized B. adapted C. known D. informed

15. A. more B. much C. many D. fewer

16. A. achievements B. announcements C. improvement D. entertainment

17. A. only B. right C. correctly D. fast

18. A. but B. or C. other D. then

19. A. intend B. understand C. mean D. program

20. A. part B. place C. step D. action







点击查询答案1.A.matter=be important,非常重要。Function 表示运行,work表示正常,可行;mind表示在意。只有matter最符合题意。2.C. 本题考查词义。detect:探测出;evaluate:评估;expose:暴露;uncover:揭露。3.B. retire:退休;withdraw:撤退;retreat:退却;leave:离开。4.C. 依据句意选through.表示“通过”。5.C. faulty表示“有问题的”。Displeasing 和unpleasant都是“令人不快的”,mistaken为“错误的”,都不符合题意。6.B. 与前文呼应,发现有问题的要隔离。Depart : 启程,divide: 划分;break:打破。7.A. 依据上下文含意应填入warn。8.D. 句意是“警告你他们需要维修了”。mending:缝补;reference:参考;separation:隔离。句中need是情态动词,后面直接接动词。9.B. 这是一个省略if的虚拟条件句。假设如果有人闯入,sensors就会报警。10.D. 依据文章上下文可知这里应用because表示起因。11.B. outside doors 外门。12.A. 用个人卡开门。Personal :个人的;Personnel:全体员工。13.D.shopping是指花费,购物。接上文“个人卡”是你用来花费,购物的那张卡。14.C. 一个只有你知晓的数码。Realize:意识到;adapt: 适应;inform:通知。15.A. 因为下文还要谈到sensors还是一个entertainer,所以可知它不仅仅是能当作fireman,policeman等。more than:不仅仅是。16.D. 由上文的entertainer可以推断出这里填entertainment “娱乐”比较合适。17.B. right是副词,表示:径直地。18.A. 依据上下文这里是转折关系。19.C. mean意味着,符合题意。20.A. take part in:参加,参与。是固定搭配
