
㈠ 表示世上唯一的事物,如:

① the sun; the earth; the sky; the North Pole

㈡ 当一个名词被第三提起时,如:

② A car knocked against a tree. We can still see the mark on the tree made by the car.

㈢ 当名词后面有个修饰用途的短语或分句时,如:

③ The girl in red is my sister.

④ The thief who stole your wallet yesterday was arrested.

㈣ 加在某些形容词前面,以表示某类人或事,如:

⑤ The rich often get richer and the poor, poorer.

⑥ The doctor lost no time in giving help to the injured.

⑦ Dont expect the impossible.

㈤ 加在某些山川、河流、岛屿、国家名字之前,如:

⑧ the Alps; the Thames; the British Isles; the Philippines; the Atlantic Ocean.
